Vines on Concrete Wall
Vines on Concrete Wall


Cuccarese Domenico aka DO.SA.MI. He is an ITALIAN PRODUCER, COMPOSER, LYRICHER and SONG-SONGWRITER, he was born on 08/03/1981 in Castellammare di Stabia (NA).

Piano studies at the Conservatory of Latina and the course in composition with the conductor Claudio di Meo put a starting point in the musical career of Domenico Cuccarese DO.SA.MI.

In 2012 he published a disc of ten tracks only piano "JOURNEY ON THE CLOUDS" with the ITALIAN WAY MUSIC record label .... immediately after he left the scene retiring from the musical field for a fairly long period of reflection. The strength of music will never abandon him, actually within himself and as Domenico himself says: "music calls...". Then begins a new path, the search for words combined with musical notes ... scratching on the notes themselves and knowing how to read the words hidden between the lines of a stave leads him to write and produce for various artists ... the song SIRIA A PIEDI NUDI sung by SARA PROVITALI is a tribute to the Syrian people tormented by the war in Syria by participating in the semi-finals of Mogol's TOURMUSICFEST .... to remember also the PRODUCTION of the TENOR FILIPPO GIOVAGNORIO with the song "VOCE" which leads to some small successes and is mentioned and acclaimed by some magazines in the music sector and by producers and composers also of national importance, complimenting the work done both as an author and as a composition arranged in collaboration with Luigi Zaccheo ORANGE RECORDS label....

Subsequently he studied SONGWRITER with MARIO FANIZZI AUTHOR of international fame (songwriter of RENATO ZERO, ANNALISA .....) and still attends the MAT ACADEMY PRODUCER.

From 2023 the song "NOTTI" and the unreleased "I KNOW THE SEA" returns to the scene with various titles under the label SORRIDIMUSICLAB ed.MAGILLASPETTACOLI brings the same radio into musical rotation both in Italy and in Spain ... not least the song "SIAM PIRATI" under the label NOISE GATE RECORDS a sparkling piece with a pirate flavor bringing to light the musical career of DO.SA.MI....other projects coming out and in progress await DO.SA.MI. A music scene increasingly looking for new sounds and new music to listen to.

Vines on Concrete Wall



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Vines on Concrete Wall



Vines on Concrete Wall


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Vines on Concrete Wall
Vines on Concrete Wall


I miei più sentiti ringraziamenti sono a Berti Luigia che mi ha dato la possibilità di riprendere la passione per i tasti, non dimentico Zaccheo Luigi per avermi insegnato i bottoni dello studio a cosa servissero...anche se ancora non mi è chiaro anche il Maestro Monti Gianni che ha dovuto ascoltare le mie strampalate note scordate sul suo bellissimo pianoforte e poi avermi indirizzato al suo pupillo Di Meo Claudio che a sua volta ha deciso di abbracciare la dedizione per l' insegnamento e farmi scoprire il compositore che era in me...anche se la matita non ne può più di essere cancellata sul pentagramma...non ultimo Taddia Enrico per i preziosi consigli durante le registrazioni tra note stonate e battute di caccia fuori tempo per la mia irriverente tardività alle cose...alla fine dimenticavo Verzucoli Ilaria la mia insegnante...colei che purtroppo ha e deve tutt'ora ascoltare l'usignolo mattutino che c'e' in me chiedendo perdono ai vicini del palazzo accanto....grazie anche a Sorridi Music Lab e Magilla Spettacoli che hanno creduto in me con i primi brani....

GRAZIE INFINE A TUTTI VOI CHE SPERATE ANCORA IN UN MIGLIORAMENTO DELLA MIA purtroppo per voi state perdendo solamente del tempo! un caro saluto a te che hai perso del tempo a leggere tra le righe di questi ringraziamenti.....

grazie alla mia famiglia e gli amici che hanno creduto in me... non sempre.... ma poi alla fine io ho sempre creduto in loro!

Vines on Concrete Wall


My heartfelt thanks go to Berti Luigia who gave me the opportunity to regain my passion for the keys, I don't forget Zaccheo Luigi for teaching me what the buttons in the studio were for...even if nothing is clear to me yet.. ..but also Maestro Monti Gianni who had to listen to my bizarre out-of-tune notes on his beautiful piano and then referred me to his pupil Di Meo Claudio who in turn decided to embrace his dedication to teaching and let me discover the composer that was in me...even if the pencil is fed up with being erased on the stave...not least Taddia Enrico for the precious advice during the recordings between off-key notes and out-of-time hunting trips for my irreverent belatedness to things the end I forgot Verzucoli Ilaria my teacher...she who unfortunately has and still has to listen to the morning nightingale in me asking for forgiveness from the neighbors in the building next door....thanks also to Sorridi Music Lab and Magilla Spettacoli who believed in me with their first songs....

FINALLY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO STILL HOPE FOR AN IMPROVEMENT OF MY PERSON .... but unfortunately for you you are only wasting time! a warm greeting to you who wasted time reading between the lines of these thanks .....

thanks to my family and friends who believed in me... not always.... but in the end I always believed in them!

Vines on Concrete Wall